Contact us if you have questions about our products
Phone: +27 (0) 10 596 7135
Danimex offers full range of ATEX and Intrinsically Safe two-way radios and accessories for customers that work in environments that can be hazardous and volatile.
As the leader in two-way radios and Intrinsically Safe radio technology, Danimex offers a full complement of FM (Factory Mutual) and MASC (Mining and Surface Certification Pty, LTD South Africa) Motorola Solutions two-way radios, and batteries.
These radios offer safety features such as GPS tracking, Lone Worker, Telemetry, Geofencing and programmable voice announcements.
Do you need more information?
Fill in the form below to download datasheets, IS radio poster and other useful information or contact us directly.
Danimex SA Holding (PTY) LTD
Phone: +27 (0) 10 596 7135
DP4000 ExMa Series meets the requirements of SOLAS Chapter II-2 Regulation for fire-fighter radios carried on board ships and potentially explosive gas and dust environments.
ATEX: Class II 2D Ex ib, IIIC T130°C Db
IECEx: Ex ib IIIC, T130°C Db
ATEX: Class II 2G Ex ib, IIC T4 Gb
IECEx: Ex ib IIC T4 Gb
ATEX: Class I M1 Ex, ia I Ma
IECEx: Ex ia I Ma