Cambium PTP 700

One radio — many missions.

PTP 700 is a Point-to-Point wireless broadband solution for mission-critical communications in government, industrial and public safety spaces. PTP 700 is available in two models: Connectorized, and Connectorized+Integrated - allowing for antenna selection at time of deployment.

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  • Frequency. 4.4 GHz to 5.9 GHz
  • Throughput. Up to 450 Mbps
  • Latency. 1 - 3 msec
  • Flexible Channel Width. 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 45 MHz channels
  • Industry Standards. FIPS 140-2, MIL-STD-810G, IPv6, 1588v2 / SyncE (LTE-ready)
  • Reliability. Dynamic Spectrum Optimization
  • Modulation. Fast Preemptive Adaptive Modulation featuring 13 modulation / FEC coding levels ranging from BPSK to 256 QAM dual payload MIMO.
  • Security. 128/256-Bit AES Encryption (FIPS 197) with HTTPS/TLS and SNMPv3 management interfaces, RADIUS authentication, and configurable password rules.
  • Configuration. Point-to-point configuration extendable to high-capacity point-to-multipoint architecture.

Available products:

PTP 700 with integrated antenna and connectors to allow for antenna selection at time of deployment. Includes 4.4 GHz to 5.9 GHz radio compatible with NTIA Redbook/NATO Band IV and FCC/ETSI requirements, Dynamic Spectrum Optimzation, FIPS 140-2 validation (Spring 2016), ruggedized system compliant with MIL-STD-810G, and supports IPv6, SyncE and 1588v2 standards.

PTP 700 with external connectors for antennas. Includes 4.4 GHz to 5.9 GHz radio compatible with NTIA Redbook/NATO Band IV and FCC/ETSI requirements, Dynamic Spectrum Optimzation, FIPS 140-2 validation (Fall 2015), ruggedized system compliant with MIL-STD-810G, and supports IPv6, SyncE and 1588v2 standards.


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